Drawing Hands

Drawing Hands
M. C. Escher

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Man 'of God'

I wrote last time of me being asked the question of what it means to be a man of God. I guess it is about time to finish the thought and pontificate upon what it means to be a man of God.

I wonder if anyone feels qualified to talk about what it means to be a man/woman of God. The thought of answering that question honestly stirs up great feelings of inadequacy. I can't even figure out what it looks like to be a man properly let alone one who knows how to live a life worthy of God.

I guess that is it though, isn't it. Most people would think being a man/woman of God to mean a person who lives a holy, disciplined and devoted life that is worthy of God.

I think of the great Christian men and women who did amazing things in the name of God. Mother Teresa and her amazing gift of compassion. Martin Luther and his relentless pursuit of the truth of the word of God. The mystical intimacy of Teresa of Avila. The power and uncompromising nature of Smith Wigglesworth. These were people of God.

Are these the examples of what it means to be a person of God? If so, what are the qualities that make them of God?

It would seem that the qualities that made each of them of God were unique. So is it compassion that makes us men and women of God? Is it intellect, intimacy or power? Is it the express and overt manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives?

Each of these questions seem reasonable but on the wrong train of thought to me. Once more I cannot look past King David for my place to stand on this issue.

He was called a man after God's own heart. If there was ever a description given by God that a man was of Him, surely this was it. David wasn't interested in the blessings of God but his very heart.

I like this truth. David was a man of God.

I also like why he was a man of God. He sought after God's heart. To know and relate to God. That takes guts...and a serious conviction that God wanted to be known, not just understood.

It's a simple picture but no other biblical figure (outside of Jesus) reveals what it means to be a man/woman of God.

Do you want to know the best part of it all? David was an amazing man. A singer, leader, poet, musician, model (allow me the poetic license), soldier, shepherd and friend. He was the kind of guy you were envious of but liked to much to hate him for it.

I love David's strengths and gifts but I also find great comfort in his failings. As he was also a really broken man. He at some stage: lusted and committed adultery, masterminded a murder, alienate his wife, allowed his children to commit incest, murder and usurp his kingdom and failed to give appropriate succession plans at his passing.

David was a super "Christian" (again allow me the liberty of calling him a 'Christian') who had some amazing characteristics but they were not what made him a man of God.

Wigglesworth, Luther and the Teresa's were not men and women of God because they were gifted, they were men and women of God because they sort the heart of God.

So what does it mean to be a man of God? 

To seek to know him.

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