Drawing Hands

Drawing Hands
M. C. Escher

Monday 29 August 2016


I really enjoy reading Donald Miller books.

I once decided that I was going to write a book and I did a lot of the ground work for the ideas and what would go in each chapter. That was until I picked up Miller's book "Searching for God knows what". He stole my book idea! I don't know how he invented time travel, as his book was written 7 years before mine, but I know he stole my ideas. Truthfully though, He had written 7 of my 12 chapters and in a way I could only dream of writing.

I like Miller because he is funny, insightful and easy to digest (not that I have tried to digest him). He comes up with cool titles for his chapters such as "Lifeboat Theory: How to kill your Neighbour" and "Naked: Why Nudity is the point". He even has a formula that just works for my sensibilities- tell a story, link that story to an idea, teach the idea, bring it all back together.

There were a few months where I started writing daily reflections that followed a similar format. I don't remember most of them now but I am fairly sure I entitled one "Swimming Upstream: How people are like bears". Catchy hey.

Tonight I thought I could write another Milleresque entry. That was until I realised I couldn't think of anything particularly catchy. Instead I thought I'd write about how I couldn't think of anything to write about. Cyclical really.....Maybe I could have called this post "Cyclical: Why Simba and I are alike".

Nonetheless, I think I will try and write some of these soon. Who knows, maybe another book idea will spring to mind. Or maybe it will just lead to another pointless post.

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